Deploy Machine learning(ML) model in Docker container.

Step 01 : Check Docker is Installed or not.
" docker info "

Step 02 : Pull the Centos Image from Docker hub.
" docker pull centos:latest "

Step 03 : Create a Container with the help of Centos image.
" docker run -i -t --name=container_name centos:latest

Step 04 : Check Container Start or not

Step 05 : Download Python softwere inside Container.
" yum install python3 "

Step 06 : Install all the libararies your Machine Learning model depend.
" pip3 install numpy "
" pip3 install pandas "
" pip3 install scikit-learn "

Step 07 : Copy Your model Inside Container. and it's copied or not.
" docker cp Model_file_name Container name:/model_file_name "
You need to run this command in your base/host system

Step 08 : Create a Model file.

Step 09 : Run the Model.

That's All
Thank you
-D Madhuvardhan